“Favourite part of my job is influencing staff to make improvements, I enjoy that because it’s a challenge. When you’ve got a workforce that’s been years in the business and remember what it was like 20 years ago it can be hard to make change. So trying to influence that in a positive manner, and although challenging, it is my most favourite part!
I enjoy (as much as I find it challenging) the first aid & mental health champion role. The initiatives we’ve rolled out and the staff I’ve helped has been very rewarding. Mental Health is so important now. First group are training more staff on Mental health, so every depot will eventually have a mental health champ. For me this role is business as usual, how you treat staff is important, if you don’t have the staff to do the job then you can’t meet customer demands. We’ve supported many staff and seeing them being at work and dipping in and out for support has been so valuable and so rewarding.
I started here as a cleaner, before that I worked in Prestos. I’ve always work in supervisory customer facing roles. I think I was always destined to be in a customer centric role. The Customer is always right, although you don’t need to tell them that!! But if you believe that, then you will always do the best thing by them. One company in America took the word ‘no’ away which means you have to really think about your response better and think about how you really can help them. And I’ve always been that way inclined which is why I was always going to be customer facing.