

Michelle has an important role in ensuring that those who rely on public transport can take their everyday and essential journeys.

Occupation: Bus Driver for First Aberdeen

As a bus driver, Michelle has an important role in ensuring that those who rely on public transport can take their everyday and essential journeys.

“I am a happy married Mum of 4, Step Mum of 3 (so proud Mum of 7) and incredibly lucky Granny of 4 lovely Grandchildren (with another one on the way!). I am very family orientated and my family and friends are very special to me.”

I have many hobbies one of which is following my beloved Aberdeen football team, I run the Aberdonia Supporters Club and have hundreds of members whom I book tickets and transport to all the Away Games (unfortunately football days out are also a victim of this pandemic but very understandably so!). I make sure all my members can attend (sometimes with free or discounted travel or tickets as football days out can be expensive especially for a family to attend) and enjoy their day out (regardless of score).

It was attending Football days out that made me first realise I fancied being a bus driver, since that first thought there was no going back, I love my job.”

Michelle’s story and why she loves the bus:

“Being a Bus Driver and being a necessity to especially independent older people who rely on public transport to get about for their shopping, go to the doctors, hospital appointments or even to justvisit their friends (or to the local bingo halls) it makes me proud to be part of that journey.

Before COVID hit I would have the odd passenger pop the odd sweety or biscuit through my window with a smile and “something little to keep you going till your break” these little gestures absolutely melt my heart and make me love my job even more and feel appreciated for the job I do.

I always greet my passengers with a big smile and a “Good Morning” and a “Thank you” as they depart my bus. It makes a difference to the passengers and I very often commented on it.”

A brilliant bus story…

“By keeping people being able to go to their work, get food, getting to doctors or important appointments and children to school, not everyone drives, a lot of people rely in the bus for everything. With the price of city parking fees even people that drive rely on the bus for going to work every day.”