The more people who choose bus instead of car, the more we can reduce congestion and climate changing emissions.
And the benefits are enormous.
As well as reducing your impact on the planet and all the species we share it with, choosing to walk, cycle, wheel and use public transport – like the bus – is also good for your health.
It’s good for our economy too. Scotland builds low and zero emission buses, so when you choose the bus you’re helping to sustain good jobs in manufacturing and services – and a just transition from polluting cars to zero emission buses!
Importantly by choosing bus you are also contributing to building a fairer more accessible transport system for everyone. Bus is a lifeline for many people in our society, and the more people who choose bus, the more affordable and efficient it can be.
And your contribution to creating a fairer world doesn’t stop there. By actively reducing emissions you are helping tackle climate change for those at risk of the very worst impacts – now and in the future.