#lovemybus at Stranraer Campus

#lovemybus at Stranraer Campus

We were at Stranraer Campus (Dumfries & Galloway College) on 28 February 2023 to promote the benefits of bus and the Under 22s free bus pass (U22s). The event was a huge success!

We spoke to around 100 people, students and lecturers, and got positive feedback about the bus services in and around Stranraer, located in the west of Scotland.

Most of the students we spoke to already have their U22 free bus travel card. The College librarian helps students with the application form, which makes it easier for more and more students to get it. The Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel scheme represents a major win for the whole of Scotland as it invests in a sustainable future for young people and gives them more opportunities to access education, work and leisure activities.

Stranraer Campus welcomes students from many places, bus networks make it easier to access the College. We spoke to students from Glasgow (85 miles away from Stranraer) and Creetown (30 miles away from Stranraer) who rely on the bus services to get to Campus. Students commented that travelling by bus is much cheaper than using the car, as well as being more sustainable.

A lecturer also mentioned that she uses the bus all the time because it is a way to tackle air pollution, it is a less stressful way to travel and she loves that the electric buses have points to charge her devices.

We were very happy and excited about the Pop-Up-Event that took place at Stranraer Campus. Everyone was very receptive and actively engaged with the #lovemybus campaign. During the event, we also handed out information leaflets about the benefits of bus, sweets, badges and campaign stickers to everyone we spoke to.

We are looking forward to another visit to the Stranraer Campus!

Click here to find out more about the work we do with young people across Scotland or to request a visit from the #lovemybus team to your College, University or School.
